Channel Mixer node

Left Toolbar > Adjust icon Adjust Nodes > Curves icon Channel Mixer

Channel Mixer allows you to adjust the value of every RGB channel and combine them. Set the Monochromatic option if gray-scale output is desired.

In0 image

Out image

Channel Red: Values Red: 0.91, Green: -0.119, Blue: 0.44, Constant: -0.137. Luminosity: Ignore.

Out image

Monochrome Values Red:1, Green: -0.155, Blue: 0.41, Constant: -0.046. Luminosity: Ignore.


To modify the channel mixer:

  1. On the left toolbar choose Adjust Nodes Adjust icon > Channel Mixer Channel Mixer icon

  2. Drag the Channel Mixer icon into the Node Graph.

    Channel Mixer node

  3. Connect the output of an image node into the image input in the Channel Mixer node.

  4. Select Channel and modify the different values. Set the luminosity to modify the output image.


image The image to be adjusted.


image The adjusted image.

Attributes Panel

Exposure attributes


Monochrome Check if gray-scale RGB effect is desired.

Channel Select channel to adjust: Red, Green, Blue. Reset specific value or Reset all channel values.


Red Adjust Red channel value for the selected channel. Range: -2 to 2.

Green Adjust Green channel value for the selected channel. Range: -2 to 2.

Blue Adjust Blue channel value for the selected channel. Range: -2 to 2.

Constant set a constant value to modify the selected channel output. Range: -2 to 2.

Luminosity Adjust Blue channel value for the selected channel. Range: -2 to 2.

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